Harvest — Karlskrona Art of Hosting

Sitting in my room tonight, enjoying the wash of fantastic experience from hosting in Karlskrona, Sweden. A lovely little town on the southern tip of Sweden. A fantastic hosting team, and participants that were deeply inspiring. Playful. Creative. Imaginative. Passionate to follow dreams. Wise enough to be vulnerable. Clear enough to dance in the work they know is theirs to do. Filled with learning about letting go, synchronicity, and the magic of potential that lies between people. Committed to action.

Many projects were born or strengthened here. Student-centered education programs. World-wide innovative teacher appreciation campaigns. A summer vision quest. A Team Academy pilot program in London. A monthly circle on life and vitality in Germany. HUB learning programs in the Netherlands. Sustainable housing initiatives. Music and arts programs to support social and emotional learning. SKA — a “sustainable kaos academy” symbolizing next essential levels of collaboration across university programs.

Much, much courage and heart discovered as we learned, strengthened our relationships, and rolled up our sleeves together. I told my daughter about each of the main schools and networks (Kaos Pilots, Masters in Strategic Leadership for Sustainability, Team Academy, AIESEC, Youth Initiative Program), imagining how happy I would be to see her also live and learn with such fantastic people.

I posted this earlier on the Art of Hosting list-serve:

“In a powerful conversation tonight with leaders in three innovative university programs. Toke, myself, the hosting team. Sitting in the delight of new friends, aware that there are decision-makers in the room than can influence generations of learning and community building. It feels new, and, like we are remembering old ways.

At this table tonight, it felt as alive as I have ever felt it. Friends meeting. Trusting. Daring to name the power of what we can create into generations to come. Here and in other places. The taste and capability of the many constellations was as real as the meal on our plates. Feels very, very on in this time of awakening.”

I have the sense that we will look back on this event in 20 years, and that dinner, as a beginning of something remarkable. And I have the sense that much will happen in the next 20 days, 20 weeks, and 20 months. But I can see those faces in 20 years and imagine how we might gather again in deep appreciation in a changed world to share stories.

Below are a few additional harvest offerings:

Exploring and Burning — Dialogue Poem I harvested from the Open Space on what hosting and leadership.

What Motivates You — Dialogue Poem after vision quest.

Blog Post on the importance of the hosting role of tending to the center.

Excellent Blog Post on Organizing as Hosting (Kati Thompson)

Network Map of Organizations (From Benjamin Degenhart)

Map of Participant Passions (From Benjamin Degenhart)


Slide Show of Photos (Compiled by Benjamin Degenhart)


Gratitude for this remarkable journey.

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